Seki Sano 1905-1966

Seki Sano 1905-1966

México, 1996.
87 p.

This book, published as a homage to Seki on the 30th anniversary of his death, gathers studies on his stage biography and his contribution to Mexican theater. He came to Mexico in 1939 and profoundly transformed theater through plays, teaching actors, and theoretical contributions. Some titles to the book: "¿Quién fue Seki Sano antes de llegar a México?" (Who Was Seki Sano Before Coming to Mexico?) by Michiko Tanaka; "Seki Sano a través de las crónicas de Rafael Solana" (Seki Sano through Rafael Solana’s Chronicles) by Jovita Millán; "Seki Sano el director teatral (un primer acercamiento)" (Seki Sano The Director (A First Approach)) by Susana Wein; and "Las diferentes etapas de la escuela de actuación de Seki Sano en México" (Different Steps In Seki Sano’s Acting School in Mexico), by Brigida Murillo. There are also testimonies of Carlos Ancira, Ignacio Retes, Lola Bravo, Guillermo Arriaga and Yuriko Kuronuma telling anecdotes that get us close to his personality. A chronology made by Michiko Tanaka and Jovita Millán closes the book